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Infinite Patience

Those who are in "searchwill need infinite patience. Patience is the greatest religious quality; if you have patience nothing else is needed. Patience is enough, unto itself. Patience means hope, trust, & without any hurry. An impatient person simply shows that he is not trustful, he is not fully committed to his life. Impatience means, "My will is greater than your will". On the other hand, Patience is, " I surrender my will to your will". Let you be my will, so whenever I am ripe, whenever - if it takes an eternity it is okay- I will trust, I will hope. I will not be disheartened.

Speed is one of the great diseases of modern man because it has made impossible many things that can happen only in patience. Love grows in patience, but we are so speedy, only divorce can grow out of it. With our speed, love is non-existential. It needs patience.

Our mind is constantly hijacking us from the present moment- either into the past or into the future, but it never allows us to be now, to be here. By infinite patience is meant that " I trust, I'm not worried. I'm not rushing for tomorrow, I will explore this moment with my totality." Then immediately, without even a second in between, something wells up within us, something overwhelms us: kind of music, a kind of melody, a feeling of well being, as if everything is as it should be, we are at home, nothing is needed, all is perfect. That feeling is bliss. And that's what meditation is all about. Meditation is nothing but a lifestyle, living moment to moment, without hankering for the future. Just living in the present moment that the mind has no time, no space, to go anywhere else, so absorbed, so utterly involved.

The most important thing in order to have infinite patience is watchfulness. Watch! Watch every act that you do. Watch every thought that passes in your mind. Watch every desire that takes possession of you. Watch even small gestures- walking, talking, eating, taking a bath. Go on watching everything. Let everything become an opportunity to watch.

Patience Is Not The Ability To Wait, But The Ability To Keep A Good Attitude While Waiting. - Joyce Meyer


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